*Please get in touch at coach@healthinnovationnwc.nhs.uk if you would like to express interest in joining a future course.
Coaching Practitioner training will give you the skills needed to coach colleagues and motivate partners to improve and innovate. It is for those who are committed to embedding coaching into their daily working lives by undertaking a year-long journey with the support of a professional coach and your peer coaches. It is an extension of Coaching Foundations, and requires 45 additional hours of applying coaching skills and a more detailed portfolio where you will create your own coaching tools.
You will receive a European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)’s Practitioner-level certification upon successful completion, and 10 CPD hours over the two workshops.
Learning outcomes
This course will equip you with structured, practical coaching approaches based on established theoretical models that you can adapt to your team’s needs and put to immediate use. You will:
- explore coaching tools, build basic skills in coaching approaches and test these out in your own workplace,
- partner with a professional coach and undertake three one-to-one coaching sessions with that person to progress your development and ensure you are successfully meeting the course requirements,
- engage with your peers in group coaching sessions and discussion forums about the coursework and your development and reflections (these contributions are also required for assessment and course completion),
- identify and respond to patterns of thinking in coaching practice,
- build a coaching ‘portfolio’ (this will be a digital story of your development and learning in the course, including the creation of your own tools, and it will be submitted to the EMCC for accreditation assessment),
- establish a formal, multi-session coaching relationship with at least three people in the context of your professional practice (this is an important part of developing your skills and demonstrating your progress in your portfolio; your course coach will help guide you in establishing an effective coaching relationship),
- undertake 22 hours of coaching practice with those on your course, and 45 hours of coaching practice with your coachees (in addition to the 10 you completed in Coaching Foundations),
- assess yourself within the competency framework to reflect on growth, develop a personal evaluation process and plan for continued learning.
We welcome professionals from all health and social care organisations. You do not have to be a line manager. However, to put your learning into practice, you need to think about who you are going to coach. In order to attain the number of hours required for your coaching log, you will need several ‘coachees’ who can commit to giving you feedback and providing time to be coached.
The programme is currently delivered online through the Future NHS platform (as well as using Zoom and Microsoft Teams).
You can expect a blend of group and independent work, including virtual workshops, online modules, independent and collaborative assignments, and coaching practice. You will have the opportunity to share knowledge and collaborate with other health and care professionals during workshops and through an online collaboration platform. These collaborations are also required for assessment and course completion.
You will partner with a professional coach to undertake coaching sessions to progress your development and share knowledge with other health and care professionals during workshops and through an online collaboration platform. These collaborations are also required for assessment and course completion.
Workshop topics and learning modules:
- Art and science of coaching
- The reflective coach
In order to reap the greatest benefit from this experience, we encourage you to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete the coursework. Workshops and coaching sessions alternate monthly; workshops are a full day each, and coaching sessions last for 90 minutes.
You will be supported by a course leader, a dedicated professional coach (this may or may not be the same person), and by your fellow peer coaches. Your coach will meet with you for regular coaching sessions and will also be available for online support.
How to join
To express interest in joining this programme, please contact: coach@healthinnovationnwc.nhs.uk.
Case studies
We recently offered a tailored version of this programme to a group of 20 mental health practitioners at Mersey Care. View the case study.