A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a craft / passion or a profession.
In pursuing their interest, members build relationships, engage in joint activities and discussions, help and learn from each other and share information.
Our expert facilitation and hosting of CoPs support innovation and improvement and allow effective transfer of tacit and formal knowledge. Communities share innovation approaches, innovation leadership, entrepreneurial skills and provide an opportunity for connecting and networking.
We are also happy to facilitate emerging communities of practice to gain momentum, address challenges and implement change.
Learning outcomes
Our CoP offer includes the opportunity to:
- learn and collaborate, share approaches and resources,
- access educational offers and coaching support,
- network and discover cutting-edge work benefiting the development of health and care services,
- the opportunity to share experiences and influence the system,
- the opportunity to act as an ambassador for your work and team/organisation,
- mobilise across an organisation to advance inclusive training and development offers at scale, community engagement, systems thinking, improvement and innovation,
- support each other to develop a collaborative offer and a system for monitoring and measuring impact.
CoPs are for those who want to develop and implement change in the health and social care system.
CoPs vary in what is offered and they develop each year. There will be both elements of online learning and coaching spaces.
Below are the features of two CoPs the Coaching Academy has worked with recently:
- Cheshire and Merseyside coaching and mentoring CoP
- Objective was to embed a coaching and mentoring culture through the lens of equality, diversity and inclusion
- Introduced subject matter experts to learn new ways to expand knowledge
- Sourced funding streams for the development of coaching and mentoring across C&M
- Coaching for aspiring leaders
- Current NEDs shared their experience and career stories with aspiring leaders
- Examination of leadership behaviours
- Development of a talent pipeline
An experienced facilitator will hold space for participants to collaborative, communicate and connect community activities.
How to join
We can help you create a Community of Practice. Contact us at coach@healthinnovationnwc.nhs.uk for a conversation about your vision.
Case studies
Read about the creation of a coaching community of practice for Cheshire and Merseyside on our Case studies: Facilitated collaboration.