This session will explore how we can harness our community assets through effective community leadership.
Speakers include
- Cormac Russell, Founding Director - Nurture Development
- Donna Hall, Honary Professor of Politics - University of Manchester
Learning outcomes
- Explore asset-based community development and other strengths-based approaches
- Consider ways to encourage engagement and co-production within communities
- Enable leaders to understand when it is appropriate to apply co-production and work within their strengths
- Hear from citizens that are demanding co-production
- Consider what skills and behaviours do leaders need to be effective?
About the Collaborative
We are an influential partnership, formed from cross sector organisations in the North West. We represent the NHS, health and social care and local government to bring you a range of collaborative masterclasses.
By combining our unique specialisms, the collaboration explores innovative thinking with expert speakers, to provide cross sector knowledge sharing for leaders across the North West.
The collaborative is made up of the following organisations:
- Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA),
- Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA)
- NHS North West Leadership Academy (NHS NWLA)
- North West Employers (NWE)
- North West Association of Directors of Adults Social Care Services (ADASS)