27 March 2019, 09:00 – 13:00 GMT


Improve your workforce productivity

speech marks blue Workforce is one of the biggest challenges facing the health service today, but there are some brilliant ideas out there that could help – here are some of them. speech marks blue


Watch all video interviews from the day > 


Presentations and podcasts

The patient journey - the one I had, the one I would want

Jen Gilroy-Cheetham, Programme Manager, Innovation Agency

Jen fell seriously ill two years ago and recalls how her care left her feeling unsafe. She makes a plea for a different way of doing things, in which staff work as a team, a patient’s feelings are acknowledged and it is clear who is in charge of an individual’s care.


Workforce: context setting, importance for the system, need to think differently

Karen Partington, Chief Executive, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

In planning to fill workforce gaps, we face a number of questions: how do we fully exploit new technology? How do we accommodate the needs of various age groups in our workforce – traditionalist, baby boomers and Generations X, Y and Z?



Disruptive thinking about the future of our workforce

Wilson Wong, Head of Insight and Futures, CIPD

As we scan the horizon of possible futures, a series of questions arise: how do we know that technology won’t have a negative impact on our workforce? How do we ethically store data? And how do we ensure sustainability in a new social contract between state, corporations and workers?

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Creating a hospital coordination centre to improve patient flow

Helen Birley, Clinical Lead for the Coordination Centre, Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

A patient’s 106-day stay in hospital prompted a review that led to the development of a coordination centre. This ‘air traffic control’ system uses teletracking to allow managers to know where patients are at all times.



Aligning capability to need - a tale of a spider and some triangles

David Harris, Director of People and Organisational Development, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Only by acknowledging the complexity of our ever-changing health and care systems can we begin to make a difference. The spider is the individual at the centre of a web of relationships. Pull at a corner of our interconnected world – and it collapses.



Killing digital - making technology less intimidating

Ian MacIntyre, Head of Digital, NHS Leadership Academy

We can make technological change less frightening by changing the dialogue: we should talk about opportunities, not threats. We should understand our user community’s attitudes towards technology and create a non-threatening environment in which to talk to them.



New developments and innovations in education

Dr Karen Stansfield, Associate Dean of Enterprise, University of Salford

The University of Salford is one of the UK’s largest providers of health and social care graduates. By working across disciplines and by collaborating with industry, it aims to produce more empowered graduates with appropriate skills and so boost retention rates.



WRaPT and innovative workforce redesign

Colin Lewry and Fiona Lord, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

WRaPT is a secure online modelling tool for workforce planning. It stores data in such a way as to allow modelling of any number of complex future scenarios. While the WRaPT system isn’t always the answer, the team behind it is the gateway to a number of solutions.



European Connected Health Alliance

Andy Bleaden, International Projects Manager, ECH Alliance

ECHAlliance is a members’ organisation which aims to break down the silos separating providers from suppliers and bring together stakeholders from all sectors, including patients and charities.



Business pitches
Company Details Web
Aire Logic Aire Logic is a healthcare IT company dedicated to improving the delivery of care, from the clinical staff experience to measurable patient outcomes.
Idea Drop Idea management software that helps you harness the collective intelligence of your employees to solve business challenges faster.
Patchwork Ramp-up your Staff Bank fill rates, increase patient safety and save huge amounts of money.
Rescon Technologies Rescon specialise in working with health and social care partners to produce digital solutions that are integrated into services.
Zebra Staffing Zebra brings together employers and healthcare professionals seeking temporary or additional work - simply and effectively.
Company Details Web
CIPD The professional body for HR and people development
Dignio Remote Care Open software Platform
Doc Abode Matching clinician availability to patient needs in real-time
Driver Net Smart mobility platforms for every journey
Elemental Software Digital social prescribing Solutions
Fastroi Efficient Care Management Systems
Healthcare Communications Appointment Management & Patient Experience Surveys
Hospify Trusted healthcare messaging for everyone
IEG4 Digital transformation for continuing healthcare assessments
Lantum Find and manage locum and salaried work and keep on top of payments
Radar Software Quality, compliance and regulatory processes software
Wrapt Health and care workforce transformation



Events >


The Medilink Healthcare Business Awards 2025 Find out more

The Medilink Healthcare Business Awards is a calendar highlight and has seen some of the industry’s highly commendable innovations and successes receive the recognition they deserve over the years.


North West Coast Research and Innovation Awards 2025 Find out more

The search is under way for the best researchers and innovators in our region with the launch of the North West Coast Research and Innovation Awards 2025.


NICE Conference 2025 Find out more

The NICE Conference 2025 will explore our continued commitment to deliver relevant, timely and impactful guidance


Collaborative Masterclasses: Collaboration in Health Care Systems Find out more

What gets in the way and what you can do about it?


Shaping the Future of Healthcare Find out more

How to unlock the funding opportunities and academic expertise that can help drive your business forward


The 2024 Bionow Awards Find out more

The Bionow Awards are given to honour those most deserving for their ingenuity and dedication, distinguishing them from their competitors and proving them worthy of recognition.


Polypharmacy Community of Practice: Structured Medication Review - what does good look like? Find out more

Cheshire & Merseyside ICS, working in collaboration with Health Innovation North West Coast, would like to invite you to our next Polypharmacy Community of Practice


2025 BioInfect Conference Find out more

BioInfect will focus on the issues surrounding the increasing threat of AMR and how it can be addressed.


Digitally Supporting ME/CFS and Long Covid Services with ELAROS Find out more

Hear about ELAROS & The ME Association's collaboration to support people with ME/CFS with a unique digital offer for the NHS in 2025


Collaborative Masterclasses: Embedding a culture and practice of social value Find out more

How embedding social value, public sector organisations can deliver value beyond the direct cost or quality of a service


Innovation for Healthcare Net Zero – Call for Innovators! Find out more

Join a multidisciplinary team to learn about your chance to take part in an Innovation for Healthcare Net Zero Programme

All the latest from Health Innovation North West Coast...