12 September 2024, 12:00 - 13:00

The UK National Health Service spends over £27bn a year on goods and services and presents a big opportunity to businesses looking to have their innovative healthcare products and services procured by the NHS.

When selling to the NHS, having a compelling and convincing Business Case is vital. A Business Case is used throughout the NHS to provide the basis for change and improvement.

At its most basic level, a Business Case is a planning and management tool to demonstrate that the scheme or project is the right choice – in terms of strategy and value for money.

A strong Business Case articulates your proposed innovation/improvement benefits as well as reasons why people should change their current practice/preferences.

At this Excel in Health workshop we provided delegates with the necessary guidance to engage with the NHS and develop and improve their Business Case.


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Bionow Business Pitching @ Sci-Tech Daresbury Find out more

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