NEW DATE: This network provides an opportunity to share work being carried out regionally in line with the Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme (ManDetSIP) which aims to reduce deterioration-associated harm by improving the prevention, identification, escalation and response to physical deterioration.
With guest speakers from across the care sector this meeting is an opportunity to share some of the outstanding work taking place across the regions’ health and social care system and will focus on recognising deterioration in care homes and learning disability settings.
The meeting will focus on recognising deterioration in care homes along with learning disability and autism settings.
The Managing Deterioration Patient Safety Network meets four times a year and is an opportunity to share the work carried out within the Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme (ManDetSIP).
Our aim is to reduce deterioration-associated harm by improving the prevention, identification, escalation and response through better system co-ordination as part of safe and reliable pathways of care.
Why is this important?
The Managing Deterioration Patient Safety Network: identification of all-cause deterioration in non-acute settings event will take place four times a year
The Patient Safety Networks provide a national architecture or the ‘engine room’ for improvement in patient safety at a sub-regional level. They directly support a number of systems and take ownership of the National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs) national driver diagrams.