Building on the North West Coast’s highly successful Opiates Engagement event held in May this year, we hope you can join us for this second Opiates Learning Event.
Here we will be sharing some of the progress and developments made within our region as part of the Medicines Safety Improvement Programme (MedSIP), focusing on using a whole-system’s approach to improving chronic pain management by reducing harm from opioids.
We have some excellent speakers lined up, with plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions, join in the discussion, share your own ideas and participate in activities.
This event coincides with the World Health Organisation’s ‘World Patient Safety Day’ which this year has the slogan “Medication Without Harm’ so please do join us to see how we in the North West Coast are contributing to MedSIP’s aim to help people live well with chronic non-cancer pain whilst reducing the risk of harm from opioids.
An agenda will be available shortly.
Joining the meeting
This meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams and all delegates will receive a joining link in advance on the event.