Following on from the highly successful masterclass run by Impower in 2020 on Inspiring Behavioural Change in the public sector, this masterclass takes a more of a hands-on practical look at what works. Impower work with public service leaders enabling them to grip the challenges of complexity and supercharge their ability to improve lives and save money.
This masterclass provided an opportunity to hear from organisations that have been working with Impower to tackle complexity in their systems and to share the learning they have acquired in doing so.
Speakers included:
- Clare Harding, IMPOWER Consulting
- Claire Tomlinson, IMPOWER Consulting
About the Collaborative
We are an influential partnership, formed from cross sector organisations in the North West. We represent the NHS, health and social care and local government to bring you a range of collaborative masterclasses.
By combining our unique specialisms, the collaboration explores innovative thinking with expert speakers, to provide cross sector knowledge sharing for leaders across the North West.
The collaborative is made up of the following organisations:
- Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA),
- Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA)
- NHS North West Leadership Academy (NHS NWLA)
- North West Employers (NWE)
- North West Association of Directors of Adults Social Care Services (ADASS)
- Innovation Agency Coaching Academy