Recent proposals published by NHS England and NHS Improvement, Integrating care: next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England, sets out options for legislative change to support Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and make clear that working at ‘place’ will be central to them delivering their ambitions.
The masterclass explored how place-based partnerships are forming and identify emerging lessons for success, including how ICSs can enable and facilitate work at place. Leaders from existing partnerships across the North West shared learning on how they are working together to achieve improved health outcomes for their local communities and reduce inequalities.
Speakers included:
- Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, Lancashire County Council
- Mike Roscoe, Assistant Director of Operations, Community Services, St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust
About the Collaborative
We are an influential partnership, formed from cross sector organisations in the North West. We represent the NHS, health and social care and local government to bring you a range of collaborative masterclasses.
By combining our unique specialisms, the collaboration explores innovative thinking with expert speakers, to provide cross sector knowledge sharing for leaders across the North West.
The collaborative is made up of the following organisations:
- Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA),
- Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA)
- NHS North West Leadership Academy (NHS NWLA)
- North West Employers (NWE)
- North West Association of Directors of Adults Social Care Services (ADASS)
- Innovation Agency Coaching Academy