Cheshire & Merseyside ICS, working in collaboration with Health Innovation North West Coast, would like to invite you to our next Polypharmacy Community of Practice (CoP) and the subject for this session is Structured Medication Review, what does good look like?
At this CoP we aim to:
- Create a learning system where all those with a passion to address polypharmacy, across all settings, can come together to share their experience, learn from each other and exchange ideas.
- Provide access to an audience for all those who are undertaking a polypharmacy project to share their work and results.Invite expert guest speakers to share their knowledge and experience in this area.
- Create a feedback loop for the system so that barriers and challenges inherent in this work can be heard and potential solutions can be discussed.
- Ensure momentum and local engagement with the wider polypharmacy agenda.
Speakers and agenda to be confirmed in due course.
Our Polypharmacy Community of Practice is open to anyone who has an interest in this area across all settings.
If you would like to attend, please email: for further information.