This 90-minute webinar explored a series of proactive care frameworks, developed by UCLPartners, to support primary care teams to manage patients with cardiovascular and respiratory long-term conditions.
The frameworks are based on new pathway development, virtual consultations, digital solutions and optimal use of the wider primary care team. Frameworks cover hypertension, type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and asthma. Atrial fibrillation and lipid management frameworks are currently in development.
The webinar featured Dr Matt Kearney, former national CVD lead and Cheshire and Merseyside GP, currently working at UCLPartners and one of the framework's architects. He was joined by GP practices in Halton, Knowsley and Pennine, who have implemented the frameworks in their practices and primary care networks (PCNs). We also outlined the opportunity for other practices and PCNs to get involved with the initiative.
To view the presentations on YouTube, please click below: