We need your help in designing an exciting new digital platform that will enhance the wellbeing offer to health and care staff in Cheshire and Merseyside.
The Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (HCP) has been awarded NHS England funds to develop the ground-breaking website. It will give staff direct access to their own organisation’s health and wellbeing offer and ‘one front door’ access to a range of further resources. This is the first time such resources have been collated in one place for use across Cheshire and Merseyside.
Do join us for the formal launch of the programme. The event will:
- Explain the digital platform’s objectives
- Give you the opportunity to feed back on the proposals and suggest content
- Give you an insight into our plans
If you have direct involvement in your organisation’s wellbeing agenda, this event is for you.
To register your interest, please email: rachel.mellor@innovationagencynwc.nhs.uk