This 16-week course aims to help you navigate change, enable you to make improvements in complex environments and learn how to embed them.
This course will be particularly beneficial if you have an improvement that you would like to successfully embed in your organisation, such as a service improvement or redesign, or change to ways of working.
*To express your interest in a future course, please email coach@healthinnovationnwc.nhs.uk.
You can receive credit for 14 CPD hours if requested.
Learning outcomes
This course will help you gain a system-wide perspective to understanding your communities, systems and cultures before jumping into solutions.
We will apply the ‘breakthrough collaborative’ approach to a real-world problem for action learning and sustainable change.
You will learn:
- about a number of quality improvement cycles and the implications these have on making sustainable change,
- to identify a system relevant to your current work and to describe its characteristics, elements, stakeholders and purposes,
- to assess your existing strengths and areas for growth as they relate to systems thinking,
- why it is important to engage others in designing improvements and how patterns of thinking and behaviour impact these efforts,
- to collaboratively develop a theory of change for your selected improvement goal,
- to design an improvement model that identifies a pathway, tools and metrics relevant to the system,
- to apply the model for your improvement, test and implement changes, analyse outcomes and adjust plans for continuous, sustainable improvement.
This course is for health and care professionals in the North West Coast.
This will typically be four face-to-face workshops and then online coaching and support.
- Becoming a systems thinker: Why a systems view of the world useful when thinking about change; how to apply models for systems thinking; how you can work with others to design, develop and implement improvement.
- Making change in communities: The challenges and opportunities when working with others to bring about change; understanding the effects of mental models on improvement efforts in the workplace; framing improvement goals within the context of your current system.
- Applying the model for improvement: The relationship between systems thinking and the model for improvement; using improvement methodology across system boundaries to initiate, support and assess positive change; how to monitor change and navigate challenges and opportunities in system improvement.
- Continuing improvement in systems: What makes improvement effective and meaningful; how systems thinking impacts improvement outcomes; the relationship between systems-minded improvement and sustainability.
Each module includes:
- guided learning content,
- a reflective question for discussion,
- a collaboration challenge,
- a product to submit for feedback.
You will get the most out of the experience if you spend approximately an hour reading materials early in the module, then another hour or two reflecting, observing, trying the challenge and responding to the discussion prompts.
You will be supported by a course leader, a dedicated professional coach (who may or may not be the same person), and by your fellow learners. Your course leader will also be available for online support.
How to join
To express interest in a future course or to ask questions, contact coach@healthinnovationnwc.nhs.uk.