1 August 2024

Amanda Thornton

A senior healthcare leader who has held several clinical and operational director roles has joined Health Innovation North West Coast as a non-executive director.

Amanda Thornton is a consultant clinical psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience in the NHS.

Health Innovation North West Coast Chair Louise Robson said: “Our priority for this appointment was to find a NED who has a deep knowledge of Lancashire and South Cumbria, and someone who is passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

“We are delighted that Amanda has both of these things as foundational elements to her long and impressive healthcare career, including 30 years in the NHS.”

Amanda said: “As a proud Lancastrian and Burnley girl, I’m thrilled to join Health Innovation North West Coast. I’ve been privileged to have had a diverse range of leadership roles in health and care, and I look forward to continuing to support rich conversations between citizens, clinicians, practitioners and decision-makers.

“Time and time again I have experienced first-hand the impact that collective energy and expertise brings to health and care services, and the communities that we serve. I want to bring my passion for people and places to maximise the difference we can make together across our region.”

Health Innovation North West Coast Chief Executive Dr Phil Jennings said: “Amanda’s reputation as a compassionate and energic leader in the Lancashire and South Cumbria health system precedes her and it’s a real coup to have her join our board. Her commitment to people and NHS improvement aligns perfectly with our goals and values.”

Louise added: “We were fortunate to have a number of highly experienced individuals come forward for this role. It’s clear that the health and life science ecosystem in the north west is full of talented emerging and existing senior leaders and we hope to strengthen the new connections we have made.”

About Amanda Thornton

Amanda has held professional, clinical and system-wide leadership roles during her NHS service. Working at an NHS Integrated Care System level from 2012, she has held a range of clinical and operational director roles which has allowed her to design, manage and transform award-winning health and care services. She has led the build of a new mental health hospital, redesigned a dementia care pathway, established a regional COVID laboratory, and prepared the system for a transition to electronic health records.

As a psychologist, Amanda’s leadership is influenced by people and relationships. She works hard to inspire and motivate, and bring wind to the sails of others. Amanda believes that successful change is more about people than the plan, and that people need to be respected and coveted in service developments, design and change. Amanda strives to stay connected to the way individuals and teams are feeling, creating psychologically safe conversations to harness personal investment.

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