Blueprint for young people's better mental health Blog by Alice Fletcher

3 February 2025

As Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 gets under way, Alice Fletcher, our Programme Manager for Mental Health, describes our novel approach to improving services for children and young people in our region. You can read more in our Innovation Insights report: A Service Model for Children and Young People’s Mental Health.


Showcasing the UK market and beautiful Liverpool to international innovators Blog by Kevin Moreton

5 November 2024

There are a number of exciting companies in Estonia and Ireland that I met at a recent brokerage event, and I look forward to continuing discussions and exploring opportunities to collaborate.


Building evidence on the benefits of testing and treating in the community Blog by Omobolanle Olagunju

15 October 2024

Health Innovation North West Coast has captured some valuable insights from primary care staff, point of care leads and patients for a test and treat community pathway.


What the natural world can teach us about systems thinking Blog by Natalie Latham

18 January 2024

If you’re a bird, or an insect, or one of our native reptiles, you aren’t bothered where a boundary for one organisation ends and another begins.


Successes of the MatNeo collaboration in the North West Blog by Amanda Andrews

6 November 2023

A week of events is under way to raise the profile of a series of measures designed to boost outcomes in maternity services. Our programme manager Amanda Andrews describes the impact they have had.


New elective surgery hub will treat an extra 6,000 patients a year Blog by Janelle Holmes, Chief Executive of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (WUTH)

1 February 2023

We were delighted to open the new Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre as a major step forward in addressing the backlog of surgery caused by the pandemic.


Technology can improve care, but can be a barrier Blog by Laura Boland

9 January 2023

The Innovation Agency supports the development of many transformational and innovative solutions, often with the potential to address challenges faced by our local mental health system.


Supporting adoption of the pre-term birth optimisation bundle Blog by Amanda Andrews

4 January 2023

When I joined the maternity and neonatal safety improvement programme (MatNeoSIP) eighteen months ago, I was excited to be part of a collaborative programme that would support improvements across the North West Coast.


Implementing the new PEWS in the North West Coast Blog by Verity Mather, PEWS Project Manager

15 November 2022

When I began this project to help implement the new Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) I had concerns that few would have the capacity to engage. How wrong I was. Within weeks all the teams really welcomed the idea of getting on board. 


Unwritten blanket rules on inpatient mental health wards Blog by Heather Morrison, Mental Health Project Manager

3 November 2022

One theme that keeps coming up is that of unwritten blanket rules. Those rules that have seemingly been around forever and nobody knows why they started but everyone adheres to them because they’re so embedded.


All the latest from Health Innovation North West Coast...