Featured publication
A service model for children and young people’s mental health
Health Innovation North West Coast has published a major report that proposes a new model for delivering mental health services for children and young people.
Read morePublications
INNOVATIONS: Winter 2019 Read more
The latest innovations to improve health and care in the North West Coast
Empowering care homes: ECO20 innovation summary Read more
Innovations, ideas, podcasts, presentations and videos for empowering care homes
Accelerated Access Collaborative Read more
Formed in response to the Accelerated Access Review, published October 2016, the AAC brings together industry, government and the NHS in order to deliver the worldleading innovation that will be transformational for patient outcomes - removing barriers to the uptake of the very best new solutions, so that NHS patients have faster than ever access to innovations.
The Innovators - Issue 2 Read more
The second edition of The Innovators includes a special feature on accelerating access and adoption
Patient safety in partnership Read more
Our plan for a safer future 2019-2025
Diversity and Innovation Read more
A celebration of BAME innovators and our pledges to do more
Bringing care closer to home - Eco event summary Read more
Podcasts, presentations, slides, videos, SME pitches and exhibitors from our Eco19 event
ieg4 Digital Continuing Healthcare Assessment Process (CHC2DST) implementation toolkit Read more
CHC2DST is a software platform to fully digitise assessments and workflows for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) teams across the health and social care teams Evidence from a 12 month roll out demonstrates high impact in improving the quality and performance of the service and shows cost reductions to make this a highly cost effective digital transformation project.
Sketchnotes from our very own Karla Rimaitis, summarising the discussions and workshops at iLINKS 2019
Physical Deterioration Read more
The National Patient Safety Improvement Programme (NPSIP)’s deteriorating patient workstream aims to improve the recognition and response to deterioration in all care settings for adult patients, supporting the adoption of NEWS2 in acute and ambulance care.
Maternal and Neonatal Safety Read more
The National Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme is working to improve the safety, outcomes and experience of women and babies using maternal and neonatal care services across England. The programme contributes to the National Maternity Transformation Programme.
The National Patient Safety Improvement Programme (NPSIP) is in a unique position to identify and support the spread and adoption of effective evidence-based practice across England. This workstream facilitates and accelerates the pace of adoption making sure that the whole system can benefit from these interventions.
National Patient Safety Improvement Programme Read more
The National Patient Safety Improvement Programme, delivered regionally by the 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives across England, is the largest safety improvement initiative in the history of the NHS.
NHS England Innovation and Technology Payment Technical Notes Read more
This guidance is a supporting document to Section 3.4 of the 2019/20 National Tariff Payment System which sets out the national approach to supporting the adoption of innovation using the Innovation and Technology Payment.
The AHSN Network: Transforming lives through healthcare innovation Read more
The 15 AHSNs cover the whole of England. Individually, we serve the regions and care systems within which we work, while collectively we ensure that transformative innovations become available as widely as possible, as quickly as possible. Our work drives improvements in quality of care and supports economic growth through our support for evaluation, adoption and spread of innovation.